Thursday, April 19, 2007

"I Don't Recall Ever Owning a Blender."

Warning: For Sci-Fi geeks only!!!

Now that I have a public forum, I need to get something off my chest. It has bothered me for years and I just can not shake it. This problem has recently surfaced again due to my boys’ intense interest in Star Wars.

In Episode IV, Obi Wan claims that he does not recall ever owning a droid. In Episode II & III, he is in possession on R4, a red astro droid who helps him fight droids and avoid being obliterated by Jenga Fett. Now, R4 does meet an untimely demise while Obi Wan and Anikan are trying to rescue the Chancellor, but still.

During that rescue mission, Obi Wan appears to have intimate knowledge of R2-D2. He calls him on the comlink. He comments on R2’s recent malfunctions. He even uses R2 in the plan to defeat General Grievous. While, he did not “technically” own R2, he should have some recollection of him. He did play a significant part in the eventual downfall of the Republic. He was, Anakin’s droid and Anakin was his Padawan.

In this same vein, let us turn to Owen Lars, Luke’s uncle and Anakin’s step brother. In Episode II, C3PO is living with the Lars’. Working on their farm. Interpreting evaporators or condensers or whatever. He probably even translates for them. Owen lives there! Baru, lives there. They OWN C3PO. He is their droid. Now jump ahead 20 years. There is the same droid, a bit shinier, but with the same name and same voice, sitting in a Jawa transport waiting to be bought by this very same Owen Lars. How can he not even have an inkling of recognition?

I guess what it comes down to, is in that Galaxy, far far away, droids must be like household appliances. You know you had a toaster; you just don’t remember the make and model. When I was in college, I won a blender at the boardwalk. That blender spent many good years making drinks for me and my friends. I know it was white. I know it had buttons. I do not remember the make and I do not remember the model. For as loyal and dedicated as that blender was to me, it was still just one of many appliances I have owned over the years. When it stopped working, I simply discarded it without ceremony. I guess that is what droids are. Fancy blenders. Still, I can not help to think that if that blender spoke to me in a distinct British accent, I may have some vague recollection of it, were I to come across it again. I certainly would not deny ever owning a blender.

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